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Together making a Difference

I sat on a log and observed my surroundings. Our van had left the modern city minutes before and entered a primitive neighborhood. My stomach was still full from my oversized cappuccino.  I sat next to women in an area full of people living in homes they made for themselves out of mud and tin. I didn't see any of the modern conveniences (like electricity and water) I had used minutes before. This little courtyard held a handful of women gathered to greet us under the cool shade of plants and trees. The bond of these women was evident as they smiled and welcomed us to sit with them. We sat in a circle and tried to bridge the gap of different languages with smiles and head nods.  Several younger children played in the middle and around us. I smiled and poked their tummies trying to get a giggle out of them. I then turned to greet each woman who graciously smiled and took my hand.  As I greeted them;

I noticed each woman carried a handicapped child on her back.

I offered to help hold a child and give his mother a break. A mom smiled as she handed me her child. Through an interpreter, I discovered this thin mass was a boy born 12 years earlier. Unattended by the world, mom has lovingly cared for this child and carried him on her back his entire life. Each mom had a handicapped child and a life story to share. One woman captivated me by her beauty and youth. I couldn't help but allow my mind to wonder about what would become of her.  Some came as a couple. Some came all alone. The common bond was the child on their back and the daily struggle to survive. I sat and listened knowing what we had to offer seemed so little. Our church partnered with another church to get basic necessities for each family unit. We sat with them. We tried to show love to them and their children. We prayed for them. We gave them supplies.

When it was time to go, one woman stood up and asked they not be forgotten. 

This blog is to let her know she is not forgotten!

I am partnering with a couple of friends who went back to this area and found 8 mothers with their child constantly carried on their back. My friends priced out wheel chairs and an assessory to help each mom and child. 

We are trying to raise $2,000.

I started a go fund me page. I am asking you to join me in providing wheelchairs for handicapped children and their moms. The campaign is called "Going Far together."

Even though you haven't met them you can still let them know-they aren't forgotten.