Walking Together to give JOY

When I met Marvelous, he crawled across the dirt to meet me.

He is a double orphan cared for by his grandma. She is a loving women who cares deeply for her grandson but isn't able to physically carry him where he needs to go anymore.

The short distance between his house to where his grandma wanted us to sit seemed like a mile as we sat and watched him crawl to us using only his arms. The dirt was stirred up from the chickens and goats running across the yard moments before.  I saw determination mixed with hopelessness as he steadily crawled to where we were. His arms and hands worked. His mind worked. His legs didn't and because his legs didn't work, he was a prisoner in his body. Kids who can't get around are not able to go to school. 

Here far from the city, here where poverty is rampant, Marvelous was ironically named in my wealthy mind where the word marvelous is reserved for rare wonderful experiences. I listened to his grandma speak of the hardship of daily life. I thought about not having access to the internet, TV, and the radio to occupy his mind. I asked what he likes to do. 

He sang. 

I asked him to sing with me. Play some invisible drums. Enjoy life together for a moment. I watched his eyes lose their despair and just shine. It was a glimpse of who he could be.

His grandma asked for a wheelchair to change both of their lives. 

When I think of things I "need"...........

they aren't necessities.

She wasn't asking for someone to come in and take over. She will raise her grandson. She will encourage him and guide him. She just needed someone to come along side and provide one thing-a wheelchair. 

This picture is his reaction.

Going Far Together's goal is to bring people together to give this assistance and joy to women who need someone to come along side and provide one small gift. Join us in providing this gift at
